6G Progress Report: China owns 35% of the overall patents and Huawei to release two satellites in July

The 6th generation of network communication, 6G is in headline nowadays, which will offer a higher frequency and low latency over its predecessor, the 5G network.

Talking about the 5G, it’s almost over on its limits, and worldwide companies are moving towards the next generation of wireless communications. They started to register the patent related to 6G and working on it.

China, the leader of 5G infrastructure own 35% of the overall patents:

As the Intellectual Property Development Research Center report reveals, currently the patent numbers for the 6G wireless communications are exceeding rapidly and reached 38,000.

China is the biggest holder of the 6G patents and owns 35% of the overall patents among them. To be mentioned, China is preparing for it for a long time, it has been conducting a number of the conference related to 6G.

US and Japan working together on the 6G wireless network: likey to launch in 2025

As reported a couple of days ago, the US and Japan notify a total investment of 4.5 billion USD for a 6G wireless network joint project.

In that project, the US will invest 2.5 billion U.S. dollars while Japan will invest 2 billion U.S. dollars. Furthermore, both companies are approaching Australia to join this project.

A report from Japanese media reveals Japan is likely to present its 6G development results at the 2025 World Expo in Osaka, Kansai, Japan. Which, means it will commercialize 6G networks before 2030.

South Korea: 6G will be piloted in 2026

South Korea has advanced technologies like 6G communication, orbital angular momentum technology, satellite technology, and high-altitude platform communication, which provides a great contribution to 6G positioning.

In this equation, the South Korean government will invest about 200 billion won (169 million USD) between 2021 to 2026 and release the 6G mobile service pilot project till 2026.

Germany: Mainly conduct 6G research before 2025

Talking about the 6G preparation in Germany, the government is planning to invest about 700 million euros (833 million USD) for 6G technology research by 2025.

According to Anja Karliczek, the German Federal Research Minister, Germany will thoroughly research the 6G to strengthen the technological sovereignty and becoming independent in the future.

It will take about 10 years and industrious work for this. As of now, this country has taken the initial step with the launch of the first 6G research program.

Huawei: launch two satellites in July 2021

At the 18th Huawei Global Analyst Summit, Eric Xu (Xu Zhijun), the rotating chairman of Huawei throw light on the future possibilities of the 6G network and said that 6G will come soon after 2030.

He also declared that the company will soon release the 6G white paper, which talks about the detailing of 6G. The company working with fellow partners to define 6G, at the same time exploring it from the start.

Moreover, Huawei is jointly working with China Mobile to prepare two  6G test satellites. This step will surely accelerate the preparation of 6G and this testing launch will be placed in July this year.


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