Huawei and China Mobile Hebei jointly launch new 5G indoor Gigabit network

The next-gen internet service promises more than a speedy connection, it offers higher bandwidth while expanding the server capabilities of consumers.

Huawei and China Mobile Hebei jointly launch a 5G indoor far and wide Gigabit network at Shijiazhuang, China, and create a turning point in the company’s history.

It features the  5G distributed Massive MIMO technology. As well, it the first-ever construction in metro substations in China. The field test achieves the rate of over 1 Gbps in 95% of the substation platforms.

The 5th generation of the communication network brings enhanced user experience and strong network connection over the 4G. It ensures a reliable connection and perfectly corresponds with Massive MIMO technology to provide users with Gbps data rates.

Although, it doesn’t work the same in a high-density area such as the Waiting area, bridge, lift, and other open areas. This made consistent service experience in such areas a great need.

Huawei’s distributed Massive MIMO technology specially built for indoor networks. It proves a great help for those areas. Hebei is the first to verify the provisioning of all-around Gigabit experience in high-speed railway stations with a high user density.

MIMO Technology:

This distributed Massive MIMO is crucial to highly improve 5G performance and support 5G far and wide gigabit networks. Introduction of outdoor 5G Massive MIMO to indoor networks allows the indoor networks to grasp the multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO).

It improves signal quality, ensures high speed, and a high-quality experience in dense areas covered with 5G. As per the verification results, it showcases an improvement of over 30% in user-perceived speed and consistent Gigabit experience for users on the move.


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