Huawei has a new mechanism to establish communication between vehicles and charging stations

On April 20, Huawei has published a new patent for “Communication authentication system and method between vehicles, charging stations and charging station management servers” with publication number CN112689981A.

This patent information was identified by the enterprise search app China. As per innovation details, it describes the complex Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) mechanism, which is used between the vehicle and the charging station management server.

The charging station establishes a strong and secure communication mechanism with the charging station management server. At the same time, when data is transmitted between the vehicle and the charging station through the Controller Area Network (CAN) cable, lightweight authentication is used to create the vehicle and the communication between the charging station.

This new mechanism is surely helpful for smart electric vehicles. Previously, Huawei discloses that it will continuously deliver its digital-car-oriented technologies for smart cars. In this equation, the company is developing and working to innovate information and communications technologies.

[Via – ithome]

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