Jimmy Butler On The Heat: “We Just Think We’re Such A Good Team And Then Reality Hits Us, We’re Humbled.”

The defending Eastern Conference Champions have had a pretty up-and-down season. Despite their talent, injuries and inconsistent play have them at just .500 in the East, with a 28-28 record.

After their most recent loss, which marks their third straight, Jimmy Butler held his team accountable, demanding that they address and fix their glaring issues.

Butler is rather notorious for being the heart and would of his club. As a leader, motivator, and energizer, it has become his responsibility to light his team up.

Typically, he’s been successful in that role.

This season, though, that task has proven especially difficult. Many players, including Butler himself, have missed chunks of time, compromising their ability to build chemistry and stay prepared for the season.

The hope is that, with some more time, Miami can finally get their act together and show themselves as the squad we saw a year ago. As Butler pointed out, though, there are some glaring issues that need to be solved, first.

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