Autonomous driving tech that can copy human driving style, Huawei’s new patent has such similarities

On April 24, 2019, Huawei has applied for a new patent for “Personal Driving Style Learning for Autonomous Driving” in the field of the smart car. According to the information, this patent was published on May 14 with announcement number CN112805198A in China.

The patent application describes the system and method to provide a driving style module for a motion planner of an autonomous vehicle, where the driving style module provides driving control parameters that are unique to an individual.

The driving style module may be modified to express the driving preferences of one or more occupants in the autonomous vehicle. The driving style module may include an occupant’s driving style preference profile and a machine learning model to adjust driving parameters over time based on occupant feedback.

In simple words, it can learn the human mode of driving and replicate it in real-time but it’s hard to say what kind of driving pattern it can learn or adapt in time.

On the other hand, last month, Huawei and BAIC’s new energy brand Jihu has jointly released the first electric smart car ARCFOX Alpha S series at Shanghai Auto Show 2021 with autonomous driving support.

In addition, this Alpha S series car offers HarmonyOS based car system, equipped with a Huawei Kirin Vehicle chip as well as three-level autonomous driving including the NCA mode, ICA+ mode, and ICA mode.

The NCA mode autopilot driving realizes point-to-point automatic driving through the preinstalled map in the car.

In order to provide more capabilities to autonomous or autopilot driving, Huawei is securing its new innovation in the form of patents for future use.

(Via – ithome)

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