Kevin Garnett To Charles Barkley Calling Him ‘A Borderline Hall Of Famer’: “You’re Almost A Champion”

Kevin Garnett and Charles Barkley are known for being NBA legends but they’re also two of the most polarizing players the league has seen in the past 20-30 years. Either you hate them or love them but you can’t deny they are entertaining to watch and hear.
What happens when they two clash? Well, absolute madness and two of the biggest roasts we’ve seen. Back in 2017, the two legends exchanged a couple of jokes, with Chuck calling him the Big Ticket ‘a borderline Hall of Famer’. KG was never somebody to shut up when people came at him and he fired back at the 1993 NBA MVP.
Barkley: Gary [Payton], you're in the Hall of Fame, Shaq, you're in the Hall of Fame, I'm in the Hall of Fame, Kevin you're a borderline Hall of Famer.
Garnett: Champion. Champion. It's all good. Champion. Shaq, you're a champion. Gary, you're a champion. Ken, you're a champion. You know, Chuck, you're almost a champion. Borderline champion.
Well, Garnett had the last laugh since he’s about to get enshrined into the Hall of Fame in a couple of weeks from now. The Minnesota Timberwolves and Boston Celtics idol is featured in a class that also has the late Kobe Bryant and Tim Duncan.
This changed for KG in four years while Chuck is still ringless. It was all a joke between them but the clear winner was Garnett. He’s about to have the biggest honor a basketball player can have and nobody can take that from him.
He will be introduced by Isiah Thomas, who was a mentor for him from a very young age and always believed in KG to become the great player he was.
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