Kevin Durant Believes He Could Have Played In The NFL: "I Could Play Football. I Could Be A Wideout At Least."

Kevin Durant is an elite basketball player. Two-time champion, two-time Finals MVP. There is no question that choosing basketball was the right move, as he is extremely good at it, and is a sure lock for the Hall of Fame. That being said, Kevin Durant is a pretty unique athlete, and could potentially have excelled at another sport.
When asked about whether he could play another pro sport aside from basketball, Kevin Durant suggested that he could have been a wide receiver in the NFL.
While it is hard to picture Kevin Durant playing another sport aside from basketball, the possibility of "what if?" with Durant and football is there. It can certainly be entertaining to wonder about what would happen if certain NBA stars chose the NFL instead, such as Allen Iverson or LeBron James. While imagining Kevin Durant as a wide receiver is interesting, it is clear that he is much more suited to basketball, as he is a superstar in the league.
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