Huawei could improve image rendering in panoramic application with new tech

Recently, Huawei has officially announced a new patent technology for image rendering in a panoramic application with the publication number CN113129417A. As per the China Intellectual Property data, this patent was applied on December 27, 2019.

The patent application discloses a method for image rendering in a panoramic application. The method first renders the foreground image and then renders the panoramic image as the background.

The pixels corresponding to the foreground image have corresponding depth information. In this panoramic image, the content of the panoramic image can be rendered according to the depth information of the pixels on the back to the pixel corresponding to the depth standard value.

The depth reference value is divided by the depth value of pixels other than the pixels corresponding to the foreground image is dropped.

So, the repeated rendering is avoided for the replacement part of the foreground image and the panoramic image, which not only reduces the waste of resources, but also reduces the overhead, and improves the rendering efficiency.

(Via: ithome)

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