Russell Westbrook Gifts $300K Richard Mille Watch To James Harden For His 32nd Birthday

It's funny how some people will always try to put players against each other.
They do a job and play basketball and will trash-talk and try to compete, the ego will get on the way, and they may not always get along. But at the end of the day, they're regular people just like the rest of us.
People tend to forget about that, especially when it comes to controversial players such as Russell Westbrook and James Harden.
They said that Harden and Westbrook didn't get along and that they didn't want to play with each other anymore, ignoring that they teamed up because they wanted to share the court.
Now, if there was any doubt of their good relationship, then Westbrook did more than enough to shut down that narrative.
The Los Angeles Lakers' latest acquisition just gave Harden a $300,000 Richard Mille watch for his 32nd birthday, and that's not something one does for a person he doesn't care about that. So, so much for the 'Westbrook and Harden hate each other' story.
Westbrook and Harden come back a long way. They walked their first steps in the NBA together in the Oklahoma City Thunder.
And even though their paths drifted away for most of their careers, they've always maintained a solid relationship.
Harden and Westbrook's tenure together in Houston was brief but still impressive. They proved that they could swallow their pride and ego and coexist on the court, although they once again fell short of the goal of winning a ring.
Now, they play for the two clear-cut favorites to come out of each conference and make it to the NBA Finals, meaning that one of them could finally win their first NBA Championship.
That's the only jewelry they can't buy.
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