Huawei opens a new service and technical support center in Spain

Huawei recently opens a new service and technical support center in Spain reported a Chinese media on 29th October 2021. This center is located in Spain’s capital Madrid and just completed its furnishing process and is now open for the consumers.

Li Hongbo who is the CEO of Huawei Spain inaugurated the technical support center and shared his views about the future of this base. According to CEO Li, this new service center will support the mainstream network operators of the communication field in at least 10 European countries.

Furthermore, the official explains about the reason for selecting Spain as the company’s main base is the continued support. No doubt, the country is one of the main markets of Huawei and is popular among Spanish consumers.

Huawei Service Center

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Huawei and Spain: Relations

In the last two decades, the Chinese tech firm received extensive support, which makes the company grow its business bigger. The open and translucent business policies of Spain provided great help to Huawei.

The Chinese phone maker can participate in the construction of the Spanish ICT network. In addition, the consumers show great support to the company, which makes the authorities bring more innovations.

The Chairman of the Autonomous Community of Madrid also presented at the opening ceremony of the Huawei Spain technical center. He welcomed, this step of the Chinese firm and has high expectations from it.

At the ceremony, the community chairman informs that this Huawei center will bring about 200 job opportunities for the locals. Additionally, it’ll contribute to making this area a digital benchmark in the European continent.

Besides, the data shows, Huawei presently has more than 10,000 employees and workers supporting the Spain branch. The company will bring more changes in the future to let others participate and contribute to a digital hub.

(Via- Ithome)

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