Here’s what you told us about Google apps resumption in Huawei devices

We’ve recently conducted a poll to find out how many of you want to see the resumption of Google-based applications in new Huawei devices. The poll has received a massive response in return, which shows the demand for Google apps on Huawei smartphones consumers.

The poll has received over 2500 votes on Twitter (still increasing), of which, 86 percent of people have voted Yes and over 13 percent have chosen No. This is a huge count and shows us a massive shift in consumer choice and their attention towards Google services.

However, the rest of the participants chose no, and the comments also reflect to praise Huawei’s efforts to grow Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) platform and increase apps on AppGallery. Some suggested that it would be better if Huawei brings back the Google apps on new devices as it will remove some barriers for the users.

Huawei google apps


Heart of the matter:

In May 2019, the US government barred Huawei from accessing American-made technologies this including Google Mobile Services or GMS. The GMS suite allows you to access apps such as Gmail, YouTube, and other Google-based cloud services.

Although, Huawei can still use open-source Android projects to base EMUI but it cannot pre-load the Google apps on new smartphones launched after the Huawei P30 series. Therefore, some consumers have left the Huawei smartphone ecosystem due to the absence of GMS apps and fled over other brands such as Samsung.

This had led to a massive drop in Huawei’s smartphone business, as it cannot build new units and the services which were used by the consumers.

However, the Chinese tech maker has decided to push itself to new limits and boasting support for HMS and AppGallery platforms by increasing investments and initiatives to allure developers and app makers to join the Huawei app ecosystem.

In the past year, Huawei has improved the AppGallery platform to deliver better apps for Huawei smartphone users but still, Google Play Stores is way ahead in terms of apps numbers and useful services.

The post Here’s what you told us about Google apps resumption in Huawei devices appeared first on Huawei Central.

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