Huawei gets 9th position in World’s Top 10 Most Valuable Brands 2022

On January 26, Brand Finance released the World’s top 10 most valuable brands 2022 list in which Huawei ranks in the 9th position. However, the top place is grabbed by Apple followed by Amazon and Google.

The world’s top 10 most valuable brands 2022 reports show that Huawei has jumped to 9th place with the value of $71.2 billion from 15th position from 2021. However, Huawei has faced a lot of difficulties throughout the year.

Speaking about the topper brand, Apple has maintained its leading position in the world’s most valuable brand list with a 35% increase to US$355.1 billion. This is the highest brand value ever recorded in the history of Brand Finance Global 500 ranking.

Furthermore, the second position is secured by Amazon with a brand value of $350.3 billion, followed by Google with $263.4 billion and Microsoft with $184.2 billion. While Walmart is in the fifth rank with a $111.9 billion brand value, which was in the sixth position in 2021.

On the other hand, Samsung is dropped from 5th to 6th place in the list. Meanwhile, Facebook and ICBC remained in seventh and eighth rank respectively. The last 10th place is captured by Verizon with a $69.6 billion brand value.

Huawei most valuable brands 2022

About Brand Finance:

Brand Finance is the world’s leading independent brand valuation and strategy consultancy as well as certified by ISO 20671. The headquarter of this brand is situated in the City of London, and present in over 20 countries.

For more than 20 years, Brand Finance has helped companies and organizations of all types to connect their brands to the bottom line. Besides calculating brand value, Brand Finance also determines the relative strength of brands through a balanced scorecard of metrics evaluating marketing investment, stakeholder equity, and business performance.

Brand Finance’s assessment of stakeholder equity incorporates original market research data from over 100,000 respondents in more than 35 countries and across nearly 30 sectors.

(Source: Brand Finance)

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