Huawei Nova 8 Pro installing January 2022 HarmonyOS security update

Huawei Nova 8 Pro smartphone owners have started receiving a new HarmonyOS software update that install the security patch released in January 2022. After installing this update, the software system will be upgraded along with the security patch level of the smartphone.

The January 2022 update for Huawei Nova 8 Pro can identify with HarmonyOS 2. version on Chinese models. To grab this update, the Nova 8 Pro smartphone users required the base version

Adapting devices:

  • Huawei Nova 8 Pro 4G
  • Huawei Nova 8 Pro 5G

According to the changelog, this update only includes January 2022 HarmonyOS security patch that fixes 4 CVE in the framework, 10 CVEs in the system, and 5 CVEs in the application as well as 111 CVEs found in the third-party libraries.

For your information, this update is rolling out in batches so it may take some time to appear on your smartphone. Don’t be panic, within one to two weeks you will get the latest version of the HarmonyOS update.

Huawei Nova 8 Pro January 2022 update


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How to install the update:

Before updating the device, keep some points in mind that your smartphone should be charged at least 30% or above and ensure that it has enough storage to download the update package. Also, use a WiFi connection to prevent update failure issues.

To update, open Settings in your respective devices, then click on system & updates followed by software updates. Afterward, click on CHECK FOR UPDATES and let the phone fetch the latest update for you. Once the update pop-ups, download and install it.

On the other hand, you can also request the update through the My Huawei app. Open the My Huawei app, visit the update section and follow on-screen instructions. After completion of the update, your phone will reboot automatically. Please wait patiently for above five to ten minutes.


The post Huawei Nova 8 Pro installing January 2022 HarmonyOS security update appeared first on Huawei Central.

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