Android 13 advanced battery features deserve your attention

Android 13 has jumped on the surface with various features that users are loving at an extreme level. However, the advanced battery features of Android 13 are something that has significantly captured my vision.

In the world of smart gadgets, every user has a different demand for their handset. Some look for a high-end camera system. While others search for more storage and reliable memory. Yet, one thing every phone user has always looked for is a good battery.

Battery life is not only a concern for users but tech makers as well. Hence, Google has prepared the Android 13 operating system with thoughtful battery features that will easily let you know about your device’s battery health.

Android 13: a revamped battery statics page

Although users worry a lot about battery drainage and consumption. But often they forget to look for the base of such problems. Thus, to make the battery details more efficient, Android 13 provides a revamped battery statics page.

As the name reflects, this page leads you to different data and information structures regarding the device’s battery. As a result, you get clear and defined knowledge about how your phone utilizes its power.

Further, the page also comprises features that will help you to use the energy level effectively. For instance, Battery Saver, Adaptive Preferences, app usage, and more. When enabled, these elements will adjust the user interface in such a manner that it will consume less battery than before.

And the best part is, now you can have a precise report of battery usage over the last 24 hours. Earlier, we were only able to detect the battery till the time it has been charged. But now, we can have an eye on every step.

Android 13 battery features

A good check on foreground apps

Another reflective battery feature resides in the task manager of the device. This feature examines the app’s performance and takes action accordingly. In other words, a user can stop the irrelevant app and its ongoing foreground services through the notification panel.

These apps will be listed as Active apps with a stop button on the notification panel. Ultimately, on the user’s command, this feature will immediately take the following steps:

  • Remove the running app from memory. As a result, the app will completely stop foreground services.
  • Removes the app’s activity from the background
  • Stops any kind of media playback
  • Removes the notification associated with the foreground service

Don’t worry, this will not affect the scheduled tasks or app history. It will just halt the unnecessary process till it receives any further orders.

Android 13 battery features

Restricted App Bucket

Apart from the statics and foreground services, Android 13 has one more quality that will help you to manage the device’s battery life. This feature is known as a restricted app bucket. The system verifies how frequently you use an application.

Based on the inspection, the system places the particular app under restricted categories. It’s just like the freezer app, which freezes those applications that aren’t in use for a long time. In this manner, the app won’t require extra power to live in the system.

Next, we have JobScheduler which schedules the timing of every application and turns it off automatically before launching a new app. Consequently, it will improve the user experience as well as keep the battery more reliable.

So these are some of the highlights that Android 13 offers for a convenient and better battery life of the device. If you have the latest Android 13 on your smartphone then you must navigate to the settings page and try out these features.

Android 13 battery features

The post Android 13 advanced battery features deserve your attention appeared first on Huawei Central.

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