Stephen A. Smith Says He Was Seriously Mad At Jay Williams During Heated Kyrie Irving Argument

Stephen A. Smith admitted that he was angry with Jay Williams after their big Kyrie Irving argument on First Take.

Credit: ESPN

Kyrie Irving is perhaps one of the most spoken-about NBA stars in the media. His explosive basketball ability, refusal to be silent off the court and the occasional faux pas all combine to make him perfect for media discussion. 

Stephen A. Smith is among those that have been extremely critical of Kyrie Irving time and again. Stephen A.'s criticism of him feels personal. And Jay Williams called him out for it, which seems to have made him angry. 

“In the case of Jay Williams, I was genuinely pissed off,” Smith said on The Mike Missanelli Podcast. “Jay Williams is a friend and a colleague and somebody that I’m pretty close to. On this particular morning, I don’t know who the hell he was. I don’t know what the hell happened that he would come at me in such a personal manner just because I was giving constructive criticism to Kyrie.”

To call Stephen A. Smith's rants about Kyrie Irving constructive would be a stretch, and he has admitted that he has personal issues with Kyrie in the same interview. His argument with Jay Williams now looks like he was mad at being rightly called out though, which isn't a good look for Stephen A. 

Whatever the issues between him and Kyrie Irving are, Smith still remains the biggest draw for ESPN. So whether he is right or not, Jay Williams probably won't want to make him too angry moving forward either. And moving forward, the media would do well to focus on some of the better aspects of Kyrie Irving's work off the court as well. 

Kyrie Irving Donated $45,000 For Children In Africa

There is nothing easier than offering criticism of people and the things they do. But while some of it is warranted, constructive, and necessary, too much of the media's criticism gets sensationalized. The least they can do then is also applaud the good with the bad, and Kyrie Irving recently did something wonderful

"Yesterday, I woke up to a $45,000 donation from basketball star Kyrie Irving. We initially raised enough to buy the land for the new orphanage in Ghana," Mofid continued. 

"Kyrie’s donation should be enough to fund the entire building of the orphanage as well as a sports center for the kids. We already named a classroom in the school in Nigeria after him, and the future sports complex at the orphanage in Ghana will be named after him as well."

Kyrie Irving isn't an easy man to understand, but that is no reason for him to be constantly talked down upon. Stephen A. Smith admitting that his problems with Kyrie Irving are personal is good, at least fans will now know to take whatever he says with a big pinch of salt. 

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