Gilbert Arenas Says He Felt Miserable When He Retired At The Age Of 32 With $100 Million: "Wake Up At 5.30 Am... What The Fk Do I Do With This Time?"

Most fans imagine that NBA players, especially stars that make a lot of money, have the ideal life. They enjoy fame and competing at the highest level and retire at an early age with millions in their bank account. 

But things aren't always that easy, and money can't buy happiness. Gilbert Arenas explained in an interview why despite being a retired 32-year-old worth $100 million, he was miserable. 

"Trying to find out who the f**k he is," Arenas said when asked what he did post-retirement. "Miserable. Yeah, because, like any athlete, from ages 6, 7 years old, all we knew was one thing. Hoop. Hoop, school. (In) summer, hoop, play, hoop, hoop, hoop.

"I started at 10... From 10 (years old) to 32 (years old), nonstop. All I knew was basketball. That's all I knew. Regimen: wake up, ball, sleep, wake up, ball. That was it. NBA players, that's the weird thing about them. They wanna work during the summer, and when the NBA season starts, they want to party more because they get to go to every city. 

"It's supposed to be the other way around. Focus during the season, and party in the summer. So, you know, I handicap, don't use phones, don't party as much, don't drink... There are things that I put so when I'm done and I say, 'Gilbert have fun, enjoy life. Alright cool.' 

"A week goes by, you know, the summer goes by... I can smell when the season is starting. That September smell is coming. So my body naturally gets into 'get ready for the season mode. Well, unfortunately, there's no f**king season. But for the last f**king years, my body has been programmed. 

"5:30 Am wake up, boom train. Lunch, train. So now, training camp starts... And now there's no season and you're sitting there like, what the f**k do I do with this time? I woke up at 5:30 Am. So what I did when I first retired, I had to figure out how to be busy between 9 Am and 12 Pm... What do we know? We haven't had a regular life."

It stands to reason that considering how intense life has been for NBA athletes that they would get bored and wouldn't know what to do in retirement. So it makes sense that they are also quick to pivot to media careers as it gives them a way to stay involved with basketball.

Gilbert Arenas Is Now An NBA Media Personality

Gilbert Arenas has found a way to occupy himself in retirement. He has become a media personality, running his podcast while also hosting multiple other shows. He has become known for his wild takes on things, and telling stories of his time in the league

NBA players are used to being active their whole lives. The fact that it just stops one day suddenly means they can either go into another career or waste away. Arenas is one of those that is doing a lot with his time, and it is entertaining for NBA fans along the way. 

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