Terrell Owens Sends Stephen A. Smith A Warning After Heated Online Feud

  • Owens rebukes Smith for "downgrading" him on-air
  • The conflict originates from a 2019 "First Take" disagreement
  • Owens suggests Smith's ego, fueled by wealth, drives his criticisms

The longstanding feud between Terrell Owens and Stephen A. Smith has flared up again. Owens, in a recent episode of the "All The Smoke" podcast, expressed his resentment towards Smith for allegedly leveraging his influential platform to malign Owens' character.

Owens did not mince words when addressing the way Smith has approached him in the media. "You're not gonna use that platform to downgrade me as a person and what I've accomplished for your benefit," Owens stressed. Furthermore, he highlighted that Smith’s criticisms are not just a slight against him but are representative of the analyst's overarching behavior.

Terrell Owens also insinuated that the monetary success Stephen A. Smith has enjoyed, thanks to ESPN, might be inflating the analyst's ego. The sentiment was evident when Owens commented on Smith walking around with an aura that suggests he equates himself to an athlete.

The escalating feud underscores the complexities of the sports media landscape. Personalities like Smith wield considerable influence, and Owens' recent statements serve as a stark reminder that athletes will not remain passive in the face of perceived disrespect.

Stephen A. Smith Claims Terrell Ownes Sue Him

ESPN's prominent voice, Stephen A. Smith, recently shed light on the source of his ongoing feud with former NFL star Terrell Owens. The animosity, which has been palpable in their heated exchanges on social media, apparently has its roots in a legal matter from the past.

Back in 2019, during a discussion about Colin Kaepernick on "First Take", Owens made a controversial remark, insinuating that Smith's then-co-host, Max Kellerman, "seemed blacker" than Smith. This comment, although made a few years ago, resurfaced recently, igniting the tension between the two once again.

Smith, in response to Owens's recent references to that episode, tweeted cryptically about Owens's past actions and urged followers to ask ESPN about the "trifling" moves Owens attempted. The mystery was soon unraveled when Smith openly discussed the matter, revealing that Owens had tried to sue him following a segment with Max Kellerman.

Describing the lawsuit as "laughable", Smith was evidently irked that Owens would involve lawyers and seek monetary compensation over an on-air incident. Smith's disclosure has certainly added another layer to this already intricate feud, making it clear that the bridge between the two has been burned beyond repair. Whether it's Smith's truth-telling or another side to the story, this saga between two prominent figures continues to captivate sports enthusiasts.

Stephen A. Smith Admitted That He Got Max Kellerman Fired

Stephen A. Smith, a dominant voice in sports commentary, has finally provided insight into his strained relationship with his former "First Take" co-host Max Kellerman. Smith admitted, rather candidly, that he played a role in Kellerman's exit from the show, revealing that he told ESPN executives that only one of them should remain on the program.

Their five-year collaboration on the popular sports debate show came to an acrimonious end in 2021. Smith's primary contention seems to be with Kellerman's credentials, asserting that Kellerman lacked both the athletic experience and journalistic background essential for the program. Smith expressed his belief that this perceived void in Kellerman's professional history left viewers questioning his authority on the show.

Smith emphasized that his reservations about working with Kellerman were based on professional differences and the stagnation he felt the show was experiencing. However, he was keen to underline that their discord was not personal. Despite the candid revelations, Smith insists there's no personal animosity towards Kellerman, emphasizing that their interactions were always business-oriented. Yet, the frankness of his words has certainly shed light on the professional dynamics and pressures that influence changes in such high-profile shows.

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