Gary Payton Settles The GOAT Debate Between LeBron James And Michael Jordan: “LeBron Is The Better All-Around Basketball Player… By Far.”

The NBA’s GOAT debate is largely one between two players: LeBron James and Michael Jordan. As people continue to compare their skillset, stats, and accolades, cases hold strong for both players to be crowned the greatest.

In a recent chat with Brandon “Scoop B” Robinson, NBA legend Gary Payton chimed in with his own take on the subject, highlighting the difference between the two players before sharing his rather surprising conclusion to the world.

“Two different basketball players,” Payton said.

“Jordan was a guy who, he’s going to make big shots, he’s going to take the ball every time and shoot it every time he has to. I think LeBron is an all-around basketball player … if you asked me, ‘Who’s the better all-around basketball player?’ LeBron James by far.

He does everything. He passes the ball better than Jordan, He can dribble it, I think, a little bit better than Jordan … shooting-wise, I don’t think so. Rebounding I think he did, but Jordan did rebound. But they’re two different basketball players.”

According to Payton, LeBron’s talents stretch a little further than Jordan’s. According to him, Bron is a better ball-handler, passer, and rebounder, while Jordan was the GOAT in terms of scoring and delivering for his squad in the clutch.

And while MJ still has Bron beat in several areas, it’s hard to argue that James isn’t a more well-rounded player.

Regardless, the differences between the pair are truly striking, and it’s hard to determine which of them utilizes their strengths better. That’s probably why nobody can come to a consensus on who deserves the ultimate crown…

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