Jimmy Butler On His Miami Heat Teammates: “I’ll Ride With These Guys ‘Til Wheels Fall Off.”

The Miami Heat have faced endless turmoil this season, and it has played a huge factor in their current positioning in the East.

Still, despite everything, Butler is doing his best to keep morale high and his team together. In a recent chat with Ira Winderman of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, he reaffirmed where his loyalties are at.

“I’m telling you,” Butler said. “I’ll ride with these guys ‘til wheels fall off.”

As for Miami’s up-and-down campaign, the star assured the world that his team is better than their recent performances might demonstrate.

“I think we just get caught up in our own agendas at times,” Butler said. “It’s not bad. It just happens. It’s the human condition.

But that’s not who we are, not who we’re supposed to be, and it’s damn not sure not what is going to win us games.”

Butler has always been described as a strong leader and powerful motivator and, judging by his recent comments, it’s easy to see why.

This postseason, things will only get tougher for the Heat, and the stakes will be raised. While much doubt remains about their ability to come out of the East, Butler certainly gives them a chance and it will be interesting to see how far he can lead his crew.

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