Ohio Bar Bans NBA Games Until LeBron James Is Kicked Out Of The League

The usually squeaky-clean LeBron James has found himself at the center of a huge internet scandal that has many individuals throwing criticism his way, including former US President Donald Trump, former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, former football star OJ Simpson, and, most recently, a bar owner in Ohio who has taken to literally banning NBA games from his establishment until the “King” is “expelled” from the league.

(via Outkick.com)

The bar, Linnie’s Pub, located in Delhi Township near Cincy, has announced they will no longer show anymore games with James playing in it due to James’ online comments.

“If anyone wants to watch an NBA game, don’t come to Linnie’s Pub,” owner Jay Linneman said on Facebook of his bar.

“We will not air them until LeBron James has been expelled from the NBA.”

LeBron himself eventually caught wind of the news, pretty much mocking the bar owner in a post on Twitter.

The heat comes from LeBron’s recent statement on the Columbus shooting that left 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant dead by the cops. Taking swift action, James called for more accountability for officers, while highlighting his frustration with seeing “black people killed by police.”

Of course, video that has since surfaced from that night has complicated matters for James and others. The officer in question was witnessing a stabbing and, had he not acted the way that he did, could have resulted in serious injury or death to the victim.

So, on one hand, seeing a black person (or anyone for that matter) killed by police is never a good scene, and it makes sense people would be frustrated. But, on the other hand, protecting the streets isn’t always clean, and we can’t necessarily blame an officer for doing his job.

It’s a murky subject, and one that Bron is finding himself knee-deep in.

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