Lola Bunny Will Be Voiced By Zendaya In The Upcoming Space Jam: A New Legacy Movie

A lot of basketball fans are looking forward to the new Space Jam 2 movie. It is scheduled to be released on July 16th, and could potentially be a top-tier sequel to the original. LeBron James is the main star in the new movie, making it a highly anticipated release.

There will obviously be other prominent personas who are actors in Space Jam: A New Legacy. Recently, it has been revealed that prominent singer Zendaya has been cast as Lola Bunny. Zendaya has had experience on many TV shows, including Dancing With The Stars. It seems that the best of the best are being recruited for the upcoming movie to make sure it is a resounding success, worthy of the original.

Zendaya will star instead of Kath Soucie, who has been the actor for many Looney Tunes projects as Lola Bunny in the past. Zendaya is an exciting artist who is popular with younger generations. At the end of the day, Space Jam is a movie that is designed for fun, and Zendaya is someone who can make the Lola Bunny role her own.

Zendaya will join a project that looks to be a box office success. Space Jam: A New Legacy is a unique movie that could become a cult classic like the original Space Jam. LeBron James has starred in other movies before and isn’t a stranger to being in the spotlight. Fans are counting down the days until Space Jam, and it looks like it won’t disappoint.

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