NBA Fans Engage In Heated Debate: Stephen Curry Will Retire As The Greatest Point Guard Of All Time

Stephen Curry is making history this 2020/21 NBA season, trying to lead the Golden State Warriors to the postseason after missing the big party last year. The point guard has had very good performances throughout the season and earlier this week, he became the all-time leading scorer in Warriors history, surpassing Wilt Chamberlain.

Given his great level, people started to make comparisons and bold statements about Curry, even claiming he would retire as the greatest point guard to play the game. When Instagram page dunk shared a tweet asking fans to debate over this, fans started making the case for Curry and others defended Magic Johnson.


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The Los Angeles Lakers icon finished his career as the greatest point guard of all time and that spot was reserved for him probably for eternity until Curry showed up and started doing his thing.

The Warriors superstar is the greatest shooter of all time and one of the best players in his position but now fans have taken things to the next level. He has done plenty of incredible things during his NBA career and that doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. The Chef is ready to leave a huge mark on the league and we’re all ready to see it.

If he keeps breaking records and his team competes and wins more titles in the next couple of years, Curry would have a very compelling case for the point GOAT title. After the week he’s had, with all the records he’s set and his impressive numbers, Curry is on a different dimension.

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