Third party phone makers are welcome to use HarmonyOS mobile operating system, says Huawei

At Huawei HarmonyOS Connect Partner Summit, Vice President of Huawei Consumer Business AI and Smart full Scenario Business Department, Yang Haisong presented the latest development and the achievement that has been made by HarmonyOS so far to the industry partners.

Yang said that the HarmonyOS system is completely open-source. This year, according to Huawei’s device compatibility plan, HarmonyOS support 128MB to 4GB memory devices as open-source software. Meanwhile, Huawei is preparing for more memory support by the end of this year.

More interestingly, Huawei announced that the company is ready to see HarmonyOS adopted by third-party smartphone makers because of the high customizations that are offered by this operating system.

“Third-party smartphone makers are welcome to use HarmonyOS operating system, which is open source, and build it together.” said Yang

Yang also stressed that who and when will use HarmonyOS operating system is entirely depends on the manufacturers’ own consideration in terms of business and their interests.

Previous reports suggest that other phone makers from the Chinese smartphone market have already started to talk about the use of HarmonyOS.

Huawei open-source device support plan:

  • From September 10, 2020 – Device with 128KB to 128MB RAM
  • From April 21, 2021 – Device with 128MB to 4GB RAM
  • From October 2021 – Device with 4GB to more than 4GB RAM

HarmonyOS Connect Event:

At the event, Huawei is meeting and establishing new partnerships with industry leaders and device manufacturers to help grow the entire HarmonyOS ecosystem.

Huawei has also presented the HarmonyOS Connect brand to partners, Yang mentioned that making good products, selling good products, and operating good products is the new value that the newly upgraded HarmonyOS Connect brings to its partners.

(Via – MyDrivers)

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