Huawei HMS Core rolling out [January 2022]

Huawei has recently published a new version of the Huawei Mobile Services Core – HMS Core According to the information, the company has already pushed versions 311 and 312 for the consumers.

As mentioned in the changelog, Huawei HMS Core boasted the same Huawei ID security for your login credentials. This update also improved the performance of the systme services to bring a new user experience. However, we expect many such updates coming our way in the future that we will look forward to.

HMS Core:

Huawei Mobile Services Core or HMS Core is a set of services including:

  • Huawei ID Login
  • Push Notifications
  • In app purchases

Huawei HMS Core

These are an essential part of any software ecosystem and are required to define by the software makers. The company pushes the latest app updates, so these services run without bugs and issues.

The use case of HMS Core will help you to take benefits of various Huawei phone services such as Huawei Cloud, Health, and others. If you want to download the latest HMS Core version – Please visit our dedicated app page here.

Android 12 support:

Following version, Huawei has added Android 12 support for the HMS Core plugin in smartphones that will further increase HMS Core reach for smartphone users that want to use Huawei watches and other devices on Android devices.

The post Huawei HMS Core rolling out [January 2022] appeared first on Huawei Central.

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