Huawei CFO – Meng Wanzhou joins Huawei’s top leadership

Huawei has recently published its annual business report featuring the Chief Finance Officer (CFO). It was her first official business-related appearance since her arrival in China last year. However, the company has decided to put the current CFO in the top position, as Meng Wanzhou joins the top Huawei leadership board.

Huawei has recently updated its top leadership board on the official website and presented CFO Meng Wanzhou on the Top leadership in the Rotating Huawei Board of directors list. She has now joined three other Rotating Chairman:

  1. Liang Hua
  2. Xu Zhijun (Eric Xu)
  3. Hu Houkun (Ken Hu)

For your information, meng will retain her current pots as Deputy chairwoman and CFO while becoming the new Rotating Chairwoman.

Huawei CFO top leadership

Rotating Chair?

The Board of Directors (BOD) is the highest body responsible for corporate strategy, operations management, and customer satisfaction. The BOD’s mission is to lead the company forward. It exercises decision-making authority for corporate strategy and operations management and ensures customer and shareholder interests are protected.

The BOD and its Executive Committee are led by rotating chairs. During their terms, the rotating chairs serve as the foremost leader of the company.

Recently, Ken Hu has taken his tenure as the Rotating Chairman of the company until September and it’s expected that Meng will be his successor for the next term.

Meng Wanzhou’s official Bio:

“Ms. Meng holds a master’s degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Ms. Meng joined Huawei in 1993 and has held positions including Director of the International Accounting Dept, CFO of Huawei Hong Kong, and President of the Accounting Mgmt Dept. Ms. Meng now serves as Deputy Chairwoman of the Board, and Rotating Chairwoman and CFO of Huawei.

Since 2003, Ms. Meng has led the establishment of Huawei’s globally unified finance organizational structure, processes, regulations, and IT platforms. From 2007 to 2014, Ms. Meng implemented the Integrated Financial Services (IFS) Transformation Program across the company around the world, making fine-grained management part of Huawei’s DNA for sustainable growth.

In 2014, Ms. Meng led the company’s data transformation and established a comprehensive data management system, creating a single source for data and making data a strategic asset of the company. During the same period, Ms. Meng implemented transformation programs for Internal Controls over Financial Reporting (ICFR), Consistency of Inventory Accounts and Goods (CIAG), treasury management, and tax management. This has transformed the finance team into a business partner and value integrator, and supported the rapid and stable development of the company’s business worldwide.

Since 2019, Ms. Meng has developed a blueprint for the digital transformation of finance based on the company’s strategic vision and long-term development plan. She has guided the establishment of a contactless risk control system by developing key risk indicators and risk control models. She has guided the establishment of an agile operations management system which has facilitated intelligent operations management and decision-making based on data and AI algorithms. She has also guided the establishment of an integrated management platform for key financial operations scenarios, to achieve collaborative operations and matrix management based on data sharing and real-time interactions.

Under Ms. Meng’s leadership, Huawei has established a world-leading digital and intelligent finance organization, laying a solid foundation for the company’s operations and supporting the company’s efforts to realize its strategies in the new era.”

The post Huawei CFO – Meng Wanzhou joins Huawei’s top leadership appeared first on Huawei Central.

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