New Huawei Smart TV passed 3C certificate, to launch S Pro 86

Huawei is speedily working on some new hardware products that will soon take place in the smart gadgets market. Meanwhile, some new reports from the midst of techs state that Huawei could soon unveil a new Smart TV as Huawei S Pro 86.

According to the latest information, Huawei has recently entered and passed the 3C certification for numerous device models. Alternatively, some smart screen products equally participated in these 3C listings.

On the other hand, the well-known digital blogger @kanshan’s uncle hints that this new product of Huawei could be the long-awaited S Pro 86 smart screen. Ahead, the observer reveals that the new 3C-certified product carries the model number HD86KEPA and has a codename – Kepler.

Huawei S Pro 86 TV

Apart from the expected Huawei S Pro 86 TV, two more models occupy a space in the 3C listing. So far, these models carry the build number HD55AJMA and HD65AJMA. These models could exhibit a 55-inch and a 65-inch display layout respectively.

Further, these models are manufactured by TPV (AOC) and consume the power of only 131/160W. Thus, we could assume that the next smart screen gadgets will turn out to be more reliable than previous generation gadgets.

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Huawei Smart Screen: S and V series

Huawei has come a long way in the smart screen matter. In the year 2020, the Chinese manufacturer unveiled the dynamic S series of the smart TV. These series included the S55, S65, S Pro 65, S75, and S Pro 75. Alongside, Huawei introduced the Whole House Smart product at the launch event.

Huawei S Pro 86 TV

Thereafter, the company started working on the V series of the smart screen that came to life in April 2022. Consequently, the series included the V65 Pro and V75 Pro. While Huawei smart screen V65 Pro costs 10,999 yuan, the V75 Pro held the price tag of 15,999 yuan.


The post New Huawei Smart TV passed 3C certificate, to launch S Pro 86 appeared first on Huawei Central.

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