When A TV Star Asked Kobe Bryant If He Could Stay At Kobe's House And The Mamba Hilariously Gave Him The Address To A Church

Cabbie Richards once asked Kobe Bryant if he could stay at his house, and the legendary Laker gave him the address to a church after saying yes.

Credit: Gary A. Vasquez/USA Today Sports

Kobe Bryant is remembered by most as the Black Mamba, a man so dedicated to winning and being the best that it consumed him during his playing career. And Kobe was a very serious person when he was on the court, it was all business for one of the most legendary players of all time. But there was another side to him as well, one that was becoming more apparent after his retirement before his tragic demise, Bryant had a brilliant sense of humor. 

Kobe Bryant was someone that could laugh at himself, as evidenced by his hilarious response when he was asked about the difference between No. 8 and No. 24. The Mamba was extremely intelligent, speaking many languages, and his intellect translated a wit that was both sharp and humorous. And one of his interactions with TV personality Cabbie Richards shows just how quick on his feet, and funny Kobe was.

Kobe Bryant Sent Cabbie Richards To A Fake Address

 It wasn't just that easy to stay at Kobe Bryant's house, and when Cabbie Richards asked him about it through multiple interviews, Bryant devised an ingenious solution. The whole progression of the bit is quite hilarious.

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Cabbie Richards: “And I’m not sure if you like, have an additional room at your house maybe for like one or two nights at the Casa De Bryant.”

Kobe Bryant: “You wanna stay at the guest house?”

Cabbie Richards: “I would love to. We can?”

Kobe Bryant: “Alright. I’ll look out for you, man.”

Cabbie Richards: “So we’re in LA now, I brought my own toothpaste and a toothbrush cuz I like, don’t wanna burden you. Cuz I have like a pillow. I brought something else for the sleepover. Kobe, I brought you pajamas.”

Kobe Bryant: “Isn’t that just splendid? 1251, Compton Boulevard.

Cabbie Richards: “Here in California, looking for Kobe’s house. Kobe’s not here, this is where he lives at.”

The address Bryant gave to Richards was to a church in Compton, which is objectively quite funny. This was a bit that both of them were committed to, and Kobe held up his end of the bargain spectacularly. Bryant will always be missed by the basketball world for everything he gave to the game, but it's his personality and amazing presence that is missed perhaps more than anything else. 

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