Al Horford Says LeBron James Was 'Disturbing' During Game 7 Of 2018 Eastern Conference Finals

Al Horford makes a big revelation on facing LeBron James in the 2018 Eastern Conference Finals.

Credit: David Butler II-USA TODAY Sports

LeBron James is one of the best players the NBA has seen in over 75 years of history, and those who didn't think he was that confirmed it in a good or bad way. Al Horford knew James was a big dog, but it wasn't until an elimination game that he really learned about LeBron's 'powers.'

During a recent interview with JJ Redick, the Dominican player revealed the time he was 'disturbed' by LeBron James. 

“He just had another gear that I feel like individually you know, you couldn’t reach that level that he got to. It was Game 7 [2018 ECF] and I’m looking at my teammates and we’re gassed. And I look at the other side leaning very causally. He’s playing the whole game up until that point, and he looked unfazed and unbothered. To me, that was disturbing.”

LeBron had a terrific night in May of 2018, taking over against the Boston Celtics and finishing the game with 35 points, 15 rebounds, and 9 assists to go to his 8th consecutive NBA Finals. The Cleveland Cavaliers beat the Celtics 87-79 to go play with the Golden State Warriors in the Finals.

That was another masterpiece by LeBron, who always enjoyed destroying the Celtics, as he did in 2012 in a crucial Game 6 for the Miami Heat

LeBron James Is Unstoppable In Games 7 In His Career

LeBron James has a thing for Games 7, as he always brings the best out of him in these games. In 8 Games 7 in his career, the King averages 34.9 points, 9.9 rebounds, and 5.6 assists per outing. He surpasses Michael Jordan in points (33.3) and rebounds (7.7), although His Airness gets the win when it comes to assists. Still, Bron beats Kobe Bryant in the item (5.0 APG). 

Game 7 LeBron has always been a menace, and even some of his opponents prayed on his downfall to not face the King in these games. That's how incredible this man was, and we think still is when everything is on the line. 

Horford saw that firsthand and learned that LeBron isn't a joke. He might be cool with the people he likes, but when it comes to winning, there's no stopping him.

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