LeBron James Expands His iPromise School With Housing And Job Training For Students And Families

LeBron expands his iconic iPromise school with several new features.

Credit: Brad Mills-USA TODAY Sports

For as much work as LeBron is doing on the court, his work in the community is having a much bigger impact on the lives of kids and families in Akron, Ohio.

For years, James and his self-titled foundation have used the 'iPromise' school to give back to the community and help build up the future of thousands of young students and athletes.

But now, the legendary Promise school is getting some major upgrades that will only enhance its impact on the community.

“It really looks like the LeBron James Family Foundation is looking at all the factors outside of school that affect students the most. Income, housing, trauma and developing really thoughtful strategies to address them using the school as the foundation for that work,” said Megan Gallagher, via Andscape. “When I think about the different models across the United States, what this looks like is that they started out with a plan to educate children. And then, at each layer, they began to understand what it would take. Now they’re [getting] those resources.”

As the school continues to grow, students can come to expect additional services, such as medical services, financial advice, and even an exclusive Starbucks coffee shop. Still, that's likely just the beginning of the ambitions for the iPromise school and it will be interesting to see where it goes from here.

It will also be interesting to see where LeBron goes after this season ends for the Lakers.

Will LeBron Retire In Los Angeles?

Remember, it was an abundance off-court opportunities that first lured LeBron to Los Angeles, and his projects in the entertainment and business world are proof that he's looking to branch out and expand his empire.

Would he risk all of that now for the sake of winning another title? The odds aren't likely this summer, but we know that the King will want to team up with his son when he joins the league in a few years.

Of course, for the iPromise school and his other various works around the globe, things will remain unchanged as they have for years now. In fact, when it comes to giving back and using his own resources to make a difference, LeBron might be more inclined to ramp up his efforts as he transitions to the latter stage of his legendary career.

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