Killer Mike Says Kobe Bryant Was Like Hercules And Michael Jordan Was The God

It was recently announced that Michael Jordan is finally selling the Charlotte Hornets after a highly unsuccessful stint as the owner. But his legacy on the court remains untarnished, MJ is the game's most excellent for most fans, a god in the eyes of some. 

Kobe Bryant modeled his game after Michael Jordan, learning everything he could to surpass the Chicago Bulls icon. He wasn't able to, but rapper Killer Mike explained the equation between the two using a brilliant mythological example. 

“So Kobe is one of those greats who I think identified because he reminded me of Hercules," Killer Mike said on The Shop. "He knew he wasn’t at some point, the god, Michael Jordan. But he’s one of the players that I really saw have the desire to defeat his idol. And that’s admirable to me.”

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Hercules was a divine hero in Roman mythology, and he was a demigod, the son of a god, Jupiter. While it's a bit intense to claim that Kobe was like MJ's son, it fits thematically because he came the closest to achieving what Jordan did in a similar way to how Jordan did it. Kobe also spoke about how much he learned from the GOAT on multiple occasions. 

Michael Jordan Gave Kobe Bryant Some Serious Advice

Kobe Bryant was a youngster when he first met Michael Jordan, so he didn't say much to him then. But once he made it to the league, he leaned on his idol to give him some advice. MJ once revealed what he told Kobe when the Mamba asked him a question during a game

"Oh yeah, he asked me one question when we were down, bent down at half court. He wanted to know how when I turn around on my jump shot, how to lock on defense, and how to get the feel of the defense. I told him you should feel the defense with your legs. Once you feel the defense in your leg you more or less got to feel where the defense is and you can take advantage of that."

Phil Jackson, who coached both legends, remarked on the difference between them. And their career comparison shows that Michael Jordan did achieve more than Bryant did. Killer Mike's mythological reference is a fitting one, Kobe is as close to a divine hero as basketball has ever seen, and Michael Jordan could be considered the god of basketball. 

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