NBA Fans Discuss Who Is The Better Defender Between Michael Jordan And LeBron James

The GOAT debate is a constant topic of conversation in NBA circles, and as of now, the debate is mostly just about two men, Michael Jordan and LeBron James.  

Offensively, the statistics have begun to favor LeBron, thanks to his longevity and versatility. However, defensively, most people would rank Michael Jordan higher. Recently, NBA fans on Reddit engaged in the debate of who was better on that end in their primes. 

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While Michael Jordan is regarded by most to be the superior defender, that is far from a fact. As one fan explained, LeBron James' help defense puts him in a higher tier, according to him. 

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Another fan had a more level-headed take on the whole situation. They broke down what made Michael Jordan such an elite defender while also explaining prime LeBron's abilities. The analysis explains how both were great in their way and could be picked depending on what the situation required.

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For a lot of fans though, the question doesn't require so much thinking about. Michael Jordan is one of the most respected and feared defenders in NBA history, and he has the accolades to back it up. As per this one fan, the question is a non-starter and there is nothing to debate. 

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Fans offered a variety of opinions on this debate, and it's certainly an interesting aspect of their careers to discuss. LeBron James hasn't been a great defender his whole career, but he was a beast in his prime and definitely has a shot at being compared to the GOAT. 

Michael Jordan Has The Vastly Superior Resume Defensively

Michael Jordan had an elite defensive running mate for most of his prime in Scottie Pippen. Despite this, he achieved plenty of defensive honors individually as well. Michael Jordan made it to the All-Defensive First Team on nine occasions and even won Defensive Player Of The Year once

In contrast, LeBron James has been named to just six All-Defensive Teams and never won the DPOY award. LeBron has five first-team appearances to his name as well, though, proving that he was no slouch in his prime. Defensive statistics are hard to conclusively draw proof from, but a combination of individual honors and team success would suggest that Michael Jordan was the better defender of the two. 

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