Insane Huawei mobile ‘micro’ camera mode can magnify 400 times to analyze bacteria in photograph

Huawei is known for its mobile camera innovations and one of the recent techs has an amazing 400 times magnification micro mode that can zoom in the picture to view hygiene status.

This new capability is found in a patent filed by Huawei. Its listing reveals that the tech has been patented during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Huawei patent is labeled as smartphone microscope technology. The attached screenshot of the feature shows UI with “Micro mode”, which can even see micro bacteria on the surface of the targeted object.

huawei micro mode

In action, when the distance between the camera lens and subject meets at 0.5mm, the phone could range magnification from 20 times to 400 times. Therefore, the extent of such innovation leads it to the level of the microscope in a smartphone.

This technology is not only useful for direct photography but could also be used as a feature to analyze a captured photograph to check the subject’s hygiene status.

The feature is supported by two cameras, one will capture the image, and the second (macro) camera with microscopic capability will analyze its hygienic properties.

As shown in the screenshot below, the phone first takes an image containing an apple and a hand. In the Micro mode, it will describe the object’s health status through voice, text, or any other prompt, and suggest health measures.

Huawei micro mode camera

The patent shows that Huawei also has an algorithm behind this feature with presets of hygienic tets including food safety assurance, kitchen utensil maintenance, personal hygiene assessment, table cleanliness, children’s toy inspection, and pet hygiene monitoring.

Currently, Huawei has not announced the use of micro mode photography in smartphones but we might see this camera feature in action future devices.


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