Joe Smith Opens Up On His Wife Divorcing Him When He Couldn't Sign With Any NBA Team

The year 2011 was certainly one to forget for Joe Smith. That was when interest in his services dried up in the NBA and not long after those doors closed, his first wife, Yolanda, filed for divorce. During his recent appearance on Vlad TV, the 48-year-old opened up about that difficult time in his life.

"I went through a real deep tough depression," Smith said about no team being interested in signing him in 2011. "I got stuck there for a while and like I say, I'm still fighting my way out of it to this day. But I feel better than what I did when I first stopped playing."

When Vlad brought up the topic of the divorce happening the same year, Smith said it compounded the misery, which was quite understandable.

"That was piled on top of it as well," Smith stated. "So it was real instant for me. I tell people, as soon as the ball stopped bouncing, I was in the court getting a divorce, and at that time, I felt like I let my kids down, I was letting my family down and I put all that on my shoulders because I take a lot of blame for a lot of stuff."

(starts at 3:05 mark):

Anyone would be crushed in that situation. To lose your career and then your wife back-to-back would have been a huge blow. You do really sympathize with Smith on the career front.

In 2011, we had the NBA lockout, which he knew would end his chances of finding a spot on the roster. Smith, who was the first pick of the 1995 NBA Draft, was in the league during the lockout in 1999 and saw that older players were pushed out after it ended. 

He realized he would suffer the same fate all those years later, which was unfortunate. On the marriage front, though, Smith takes a lot of the blame for what happened.

Why Did Yolanda Smith File For Divorce?

It's easy to consider the circumstances put forth here and look at Yolanda in a very negative light, as someone who was with Smith just for the money. He is to blame, in large part, for that situation, however, as the reason she filed for divorce was she caught him cheating on her.

During this appearance, Smith admitted to having four babies on the side during his marriage with Yolanda. If you cheat on someone with multiple women, I don't think you can have complaints if they file for divorce. To be fair to Smith, he did seem to take some blame for it but seemed upset over the timing of the divorce.

Joe Smith's Troubles With His Current Wife

Not too long after his divorce, Smith got into a relationship with Kisha Chavis. The two would eventually get married in 2018, but not all was well. They were dealing with financial difficulties, which led to Chavis starting an OnlyFans account.

Smith got really upset on finding out his wife had an OnlyFans account, as she hadn't told him about it. She posted the video of their argument on the topic on social media, which is how he has found himself in the spotlight all these years after his retirement.

Chavis has made it clear she won't stop operating the account until their financial situation improves, so this isn't a situation that is going to be resolved soon. Smith is now staying in a hotel following the scandal and no one can be quite sure about how this situation is going to pan out. 

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