Kysre Gondrezick Claims She Fell And Hit Her Head After Kevin Porter Jr. Woke Her Up

Kysre Gondrezick has launched another verbal attack on the Manhattan District Attorney's office, for pushing false narratives in the Kevin Porter Jr. case. During an interview with TMZ, Gondrezick once again stated that Porter never hit her and claimed that the D.A.'s office manipulated evidence to support their case.

"The result of my laceration above my eye did not come from what they publicized and put in a criminal statement," Gondrezick said. "It did not come from Kevin striking me or balling his fists up and hitting me in the face multiple times. My injuries didn't support that. A laceration came from a fall where I hit the wall and I specified that to them."

Gondrezick pointed to how the false narrative was initially put out that Porter strangled her and fractured her neck. It was later revealed that the fracture in the area was due to a congenital defect.

The 26-year-old says she gave them her account of the events a week after Porter was arrested, but they withheld it, as it didn't fit their narratives. Gondrezick claims that the supervisor of the D.A.'s office apologized to her on a phone call for the false narratives that were put out.

She was told over the phone and by mail that they would publicly come clean on the situation, but they instead hid behind the term "insufficient evidence". When told that all of her comments would come across to many as her trying to protect Porter, Gondrezick stated that wasn't the case.

"This is to protect me, this is to protect the integrity of who I stand for," Gondrezick stated. "This is to protect the name that I've worked so hard to create. To not sit back and be silent and allow someone the arrogance or the entitlement to feel as if they have power or consent to misinterpret who I am. That is why I'm coming forth."

Gondrezick then finally shared what actually caused her injury that night.

"I never called 911," Gondrezick said. "Kevin came in very adamant about wanting to have a conversation. I was asleep. Him coming in, grabbing me by the shoulders to try to wake me up to have that conversation. I was very hazy... Me trying to awaken and hurry up and quickly stand up in bed, I fell and I hit the side of my head against the wall."

(starts at 3:00 mark):

Gondrezick says makeup smear and some blood on the wall support her case and she wants the D.A.'s office to come clean on the whole situation now. She claims she has not been in contact with Porter and is only doing this to fight the injustice she feels she has faced from them.

Her attorney, Bobby Altchiler, says the D.A.'s refusal to publicly admit a mistake was made is hurting her client. Altchiler says the longer this goes on, the stronger the belief that Gondrezick was paid money to change her statement to defend Porter when in actuality, she never made any statement claiming that he hit her.

This really has been a bizarre turn of events. At this point, you don't know what to believe and we can only hope that the truth will come to light eventually.

Kevin Porter Jr. Is Facing Up To Seven Years In Prison

The allegations that were put forth initially were truly horrific. Porter was arrested for assaulting Gondrezick on September 11, with reports stating he hit her multiple times and placed his hands on her neck. The allegation that he left her with a fractured neck vertebra has since been disproved, but the rest has not.

It was also reported that Porter didn't stop his assault until Gondrezick ran out of their room covered in blood. She interestingly had an explanation for that during this interview, claiming she ran out of the room when she realized she was bleeding after falling from the bed.

While Gondrezick has apparently made all of this very clear to the D.A.'s office, their stance on the matter hasn't changed at all. In fact, Porter is facing up to seven years in prison, if he gets convicted on the strangulation charge. 

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