PUBG back on top on the latest July 2021 Steam sales ranking

According to the recent news, PUBG AKA PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds rose from the fourth position to that first in last week’s Steam sales ranking list. You can guess the popularity of this game from this point.

As per the information, the Steam Team analyze the statics from 5th July to 11th July for the sales of popular online games. The recent data revealed PUBG tops the ranking list defeating Sea of Thieves, which was on top previously.

Now, the Sea of Thieves dropped to second place, followed by Monster Hunter Story 2, Rust on the fourth, and Wolf in fifth place. Adding to this, GTA5 manages to be listed on the sales list and reached tenth place this time.

Let’s Check the top ten games with the highest sale on Steam-

Ranking List:

  1. PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds
  2. Sea of ​​Thieves
  3. Monster Hunter Story 2: Wings of Destruction
  4. Rust
  5. Wolf
  6. Forza Motorsport: Horizon 4
  7. Two people in a row
  8. V Club VR Kit
  9. Monster Hunter Story 2: Wings of Destruction” Deluxe Edition
  10. GTA 5: Grand Theft Auto


To be mentioned, Steam is the ultimate platform for playing, discussing, and creating various online games. It was created in 2003 to serve as a digital content distribution channel.

To date, it has thousands of creators and publishers, who deliver their content to build direct relationships with customers. Furthermore, the Steam Community facilitates millions of players to sharing entertainment ideas and making friends.

The post PUBG back on top on the latest July 2021 Steam sales ranking appeared first on HC Newsroom.

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