Ja Morant Says He Was Fighting For His Baby Sister During Brawl At High School Volleyball Game

Grizzlies star explains fight at High School volleyball game.

Credit: Bill Streicher-USA TODAY Sports

In a recent conversation with Jalen Rose, Grizzlies star Ja Morant opened up on a number of issues relating to his off-court activities that led up to an 8-game suspension from the NBA

One such incident happened last September when Morant and his crew allegedly rolled up to a High School volleyball game and got physical with a 17-year-old student.

"That's my baby sister. I received a call and I was checking on her safety. Another situation where once I found out she was safe I left the scene,m" Morant said. "Obviously, I realize Ja showed up, and that's all everybody needed to paint whatever picture they want. I realize now that's a problem, and I put myself in those situations." (2:44)

It was a very unwise decision for Morant to even show up to the school at all, but it's not the first time the NBA star has threatened violence against someone who comes after this family.

"Confronted by the mall security, Morant and his friends refused the security guard's demands to leave the mall parking lot. Police arrived and a "verbal confrontation" escalated," an incident report claims. "As the group was leaving the premises, Ja Morant said 'let me find out what time he gets off.' The guard waited to file a report, police wrote, 'because he felt threatened by the statement from Ja Morant' and had been assaulted by the person who had pushed him." 

Nobody can say for sure why Ja thought it was a good idea to get himself mixed up in such sticky situations, but we can only hope he does better in the future and takes the wisdom he's learned from this experience to avoid any further missteps.

Did NBA Hand Down The Right Punishment?

Considering how big Morant is as a player and icon for the league, many were surprised he only got 8 games, and that really only accounts for his Instagram Live flashing.

He did end up apologizing for it all, of course, but even his statement is getting looked at with suspicious eyes.

"For me to actually believe that a week of counseling when there has been a series of incidents of behavior that’s been shown, that all of a sudden now everything is addressed — I don’t believe that at all. I don’t. To me, this is like a facade a little bit," said Jay Williams. "This is page six out of the crisis management playbook, or manual for athletes."

Only time will tell us how Ja changes from these adversities, but we Los Angeles Lakers want to see him succeed and live up to the potential of his amazing talent.

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