Video: Al Horford Called Jimmy Butler A 'M*****f*****g Loser' During Game 6"

Jimmy Butler and the Miami Heat have been outplayed by the Boston Celtics over the last three games of the 2023 Eastern Conference Finals.

Evidently, Celtics players are talking trash to the Heat as they have erased a 3-0 deficit in the series. Al Horford apparently called Jimmy Butler a 'm*****f*****g loser' during Game 6. The clip was deciphered by a professional lip reader (legendz_nba), who has uncovered many conversations between players during the playoffs.

"M*****f*****g loser. He's gonna cry every timeout, huh? Pushing it down. Nice. C'mon man. He got calls for every game. We barely have one. You need to stop."

Horford lost his calm after Butler was awarded a foul call by the referee. The Celtics' veteran pointed out that Jimmy has been getting an unfair advantage from the referees throughout the series.

Butler quietly walked away from a fuming Horford, who continued to argue with the referee. It was certainly unlike Butler to do that. After all, the Miami Heat star mocked Al Horford during Game 3 of the series. Since that infamous gesture by Butler, the Heat have lost three straight games.

Can The Miami Heat Win Game 7 Of The Series?

With the series level at 3-3, the Miami Heat are on the verge of being on the receiving end of one of the biggest choke jobs in NBA history.

If the Heat lose Game 7, they will become the first team in the league's history to blow a 3-0 lead in any playoff series. As of now, the trailing teams have a 0-150 record. Butler did guarantee that it'll stay the same, but the momentum is definitely on the Celtics' side right now.

Moreover, the do-or-die game of the series will take place in Boston. The Celtics will certainly hope to use their home-court advantage to the fullest and knock the Heat out of the playoffs.

Will the Celtics create history? Or will Jimmy Butler finally find his touch in Game 7? It will be clear in a few hours.

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