Incredibly Difficult Shooting Practice Shows Why Stephen Curry Is The Greatest Shooter Ever

  • A video of Stephen Curry practicing went viral on the internet
  • During his practice, Stephen Curry sprints full-court between three-point shots and has to make eight out of ten
  • His insane work ethic is the reason for his brilliance

NBA players are some of the most gifted athletes in the entire world, but there is a lot more to greatness than athleticism and talent. Stephen Curry, the greatest shooter ever, is a perfect example of that. 

Despite being 35 years old, Stephen Curry's game is predicated on his incredible stamina and his ability to constantly keep running and relocating before getting his shot off. And a video of the workout routine that makes this possible has gone viral.

 The drill he is doing is his famous 'full-court star' drill, which involves Curry running full-court sprints between three-point shots. This includes every shot behind the arc, the corner, the wing, and the top of the key. 

Stephen Curry has to then make eight out of ten shots during this drill despite constantly running at full speed. To make it even more intense, there is a 55-second timer on it. And if he fails, the Warriors superstar has to take two free throws and do it all over again. 

The fact that in this video, he is doing it with ease despite it being toward the end of his workout shows just how special Stephen Curry is. This is the dedication that got him past Ray Allen's record and made him the first player in history to reach 3,000 made three-pointers in his career. 

Other NBA Stars Reportedly Can't Keep Up With Stephen Curry's Workout

While normal people can't even dream of doing this, other NBA stars should at least be able to come close to this. That is not the case though, with Draymond Green revealing that there are stories of players that threw up after trying to follow Stephen Curry's workout

Stephen Curry averages 42.8% from the three-point line despite having attempted the most three-pointers in NBA history. He also averages 90.9% from the free-throw line to boot. The man is completely in a tier of his own, and no player comes close to the way he has perfected the art of the three-pointer

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