Stephen A. Smith Goes Off On Massive Rant About Max Kellerman And Terrell Owens

  • Stephen A. Smith explained why he stopped working with Max Kellerman on ESPN
  • Terrell Owens tried to call him out about getting Kellerman kicked off because Stephen A. felt insulted by what he said
  • Stephen A. Smith then went off at Terrell Owens and said he has more to reveal about the former NFL star

Stephen A. Smith and First Take have become a major topic of conversation recently after restarting the show alongside Shannon Sharpe. Smith recently admitted he didn't like working with his former co-host Max Kellerman

After his quotes went viral on social media, Stephen A. Smith took the time to post again and explain that he has no animosity toward Kellerman. 

"Same question, Same answer for damn-near two years now: Max and I weren’t working in the end. I wanted to win. So I didn’t want that duo. 

"Does mean he’s isn’t smart, talented and that he’s not a good guy. I have nothing against him. I wish him well. Just needed a change. That’s all," Smith wrote. 

He then went on to address the people who have given him hate for it, saying, "Folks can twist this all they want. I respect the man and wish him no I’ll-will. But my answer has — and will always be the same.

Max Kellerman and Stephen A. Smith worked together on First Take from 2016 to 2022, but the partnership eventually came to an end. Former NFL star and pundit Terrell Owens had something to say about the situation though, and that set Smith off even more. 

Stephen A. Smith Blasted Terrell Owens After He Implied That Smith Ousted Kellerman For Something He Said

After Stephen A. Smith wrote about Max Kellerman, a fan accused him of removing him after the time Terrell Owens told Smith live on air that Kellerman was 'more black than he is.'

Stephen A. Smith didn't take kindly to the comment at all and went off on Owens right after addressing the Kellerman situation. 

"Now…. As for this dude, that’s an entirely different story. You know how I feel about your sorry a** Terrell Owens.

"And you know why! You should thank your Heavenly Father I haven’t zeroed in on you with the trifling sh*t you tried to pull. Tell folks to ask ESPN what your desperate a** tried to pull. Keep on talking. Eventually, you’ll expose yourself!"

That wasn't the end of it either, Smith went on to suggest that he had more information on Owens that he would share on his podcast in the future. 

"Or... Maybe I’ll just dedicate the entire Stephen A. Smith Show/Podcast on YouTube this Monday to all the things you tried to do behind the scenes — to BROTHERS — over the years while claiming someone is more of a Brother than others. Let me think about that over the next 24 hours!!!!"

The entire situation seems to have gotten to Stephen A. Smith, who is rarely afraid to air out what he thinks about the things that go on around him. It will be interesting to see how far he takes this situation. 

Stephen A. Smith Got Called Out For Being Overpaid

Despite him often responding aggressively to those who question him, it seems that people aren't willing to stop going after Stephen A. Smith.

Former ESPN analyst Jason Whitlock took time on his own show to call Smith out. Whitlock said that Stephen A. Smith is making $10 million a year despite only having 400,000 daily viewers on his show. 

Considering his aggressive style of debate and tendency to not hold back on people, it's natural that Stephen A. Smith has made some enemies. They all seem to be coming out of the woodwork now, and but he's got smoke for all of them. 

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